As a client’s trusted advisor, your client’s consideration of selling their business presents you with an opportunity to guide your client through a significant wealth creation opportunity. In this session, Greg and Channing will cover a number of core concepts that you can use to advise your clients at this critical juncture in their personal and business life. Specifically, they will discuss methods to maximize sale price, assess the sale to fit you client’s objectives, and methods to maximize after-tax cash.
(Purchase of this Product will include a Video recording, an Audio recording, and a PDF copy if the presentation.)
Presented by Channing Hamlet and Greg Banner, President
As a client’s trusted advisor, your client’s consideration of selling their business presents you with an opportunity to guide your client through a significant wealth creation opportunity. In this session, Greg and Channing will cover a number of core concepts that you can use to advise your clients at this critical juncture in their personal and business life. Specifically, they will discuss methods to maximize sale price, assess the sale to fit you client’s objectives, and methods to maximize after-tax cash.
(Purchase of this Product will include a Video recording, an Audio recording, and a PDF copy if the presentation.)
Presented by Channing Hamlet and Greg Banner, President
John will share the elements of Heritage Planning – those things that are needed to sustain family wealth and unity across generations. The first two elements of planning, Estate and Financial Planning, allow your clients to pass what they “own” to future generations. Heritage Planning allows them to pass “who they are” to future generations. Heritage Planning does not compete with Estate and Financial Planning – rather, it is the next element needed to prepare the family and get them working together to stay together for multiple generations.
(Purchase of this product will include an Audio recording and a PDF copy of the presentation.)
Presented by John L. Jenkins, AEP®, EA, CFP®, Heritage Planner
There is a $3 trillion pool of life insurance being neglected by the financial services industry. With more regulatory requirements, expectations of increased transparency, and expanding fiduciary litigation, these assets can no longer be ignored! This environment creates a breeding ground for missed wealth-creation opportunities, redundancy or omissions in risk management, nonexistent or obsolete succession planning, and lack of active management of existing insurance policies – thus creating big risk for the business owner and his or her family. Learn how to develop a Best Practices insurance risk management process that will also help you attract more clients.
(Purchase of this product will include a PDF copy of the presentation.)
Presented by Lori Messina, Esq. and Mike Rodman, CFP®
Wealthy families cannot leave 100% of their estates to their children and grandchildren because the estate and the gift transfer tax system intervene. This workshop will demonstrate how philanthropy actually enhances what the family receives while benefiting worthy charitable causes in meaningful ways.
(Purchase of this product will include an Audio recording and a PDF copy of the presentation.)
Presented by John L. Jenkins, AEP, EA, CFP®