Balanced Life
What is Balanced Life, a Clarity Retreat in Hawaii?
What are the building blocks of and the stumbling blocks to integrated health – mental and physical – and wealth? Through the collaborative effort of the Cushman Wellness Center at SHARP Memorial Outpatient Pavilion and SCI, The Balanced Life Retreat gives advisors and their clients an enlightening, one of a kind week-long retreat. The experience gives attendees the strategies to harness the power of their health, wealth and wellness, allowing them to bring a greater balance and harmony to their life and the lives of their loved ones.
Through our integrated health and integrated wealth-based program, attendees discover their options for balancing wealth, real estate, charity, business, asset protection, and life stress with their health, values, beliefs and family concerns. This retreat welcomes both our members and their clients, creating an atmosphere of shared learning. Participants return to their day-to-day lives with new insights of the larger financial world and its influences. More importantly, they have developed bonds with their clients in a way that traditional meetings simply cannot achieve.
Discounted Rates for Advisors
Bring a client couple, and the program fee and accommodations will be sponsored by the Southern California Institute.
Bring two client couples and the program fee, accommodations, and airfare for two will be sponsored by the Southern California Institute.