Showing all 23 results

  • Elder Care Planning

    Benefits of Planning – Understanding the Options You’re Entitled To


    Confronting the costs of long-term care is often the largest expense a couple will face. Families often believe that it is too late or early to plan – and they must bare these costs on their own. Though this may have been true 10 or 20 years ago, that is not the law now. Also, on September 18, 2018, the VA published new rules to qualify, including penalizations for any gift made in the past 36 months as well as investments towards annuities. We understand that families often feel overwhelmed and are relieved to find a path to working through it all.

    (Purchase of this product will include a Video recording, an Audio recording, and a PDF copy of the presentation.)

    Presented by Scott Stewart, Esq.

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  • Estate Settlement

    Trustee Training: Rights and Responsibilities – August


    A loved one has just passed away and now the successor trustee must serve as trustee of the living trust. Are they prepared to handle the myriad of questions regarding their rights and responsibilities, taxes, and investments in the different situations? Join Steve and Brooke for an overview of the legal and procedural requirements of trust administration to assist trustees and their advisors to properly discharge their duties and avoid personal liability while preserving the important family relationships. The discussion is also the perfect opportunity to review the terms of your trust for this inevitability.

    (Purchase of this product will include a Video recording, an Audio recording, and a PDF copy of the presentation.)

    Presented by Steve Mancini, Esq. and Brooke Jensen, Esq.

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  • Elder Care Planning

    Caregiver Economics – How to Protect Yourself as Well as Your Loved Ones


    Estate planning used to just be about the avoidance of probate and estate taxes. Now, though these are important topics, estate planning and trusts need to address the inevitable need for long-term care and possible mental disability/dementia. Additionally, personal wealth can be wiped out upon the disability of either of the spouses if the trust and other assets are not properly planned for. Join Scott and Alexis as they review your options on how to pay for care, and more importantly, how to protect your estate, yourself, your loved ones, and your family relationships.

    (Purchase of this product will include a Video recording, an Audio recording, and a PDF copy of the presentation.)

    Presented by Scott Stewart, Esq. and Alexis Bastedo, Esq.

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  • Estate Planning

    Getting Your Legal Affairs in Order in a Changed World – Pitfalls and Options


    Effective planning is as much or more about preserving family relationships as it is about preserving family assets.  Most estate plans will fail to preserve the family relationships and will also fail to take advantage of the changes in the law. Join us to review: protections and control for the surviving spouse; today’s disability planning pitfalls and options; as well as your trustee’s rights, responsibilities, and liabilities. Estate planning and settlement isn’t about a rote distribution of assets. It’s about caring for and supporting the relationships embedded in the plan.

    (Purchase of this product will include a Video recording, an Audio recording, and a PDF copy of the presentation.)

    Presented by Scott Stewart, Esq. and Brooke Jensen, Esq.

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  • Elder Care Planning

    Why Most Estate Plans Fail – When the Diagnosis is Dementia


    Wills, trusts, and other estate planning documents have been traditionally drafted to solve for the moments before death and the years after death. These documents address the proverbial end as if it’s a light switch. Learn how your planning and documents can address the full spectrum of planning – everything that may happen between now and then in the areas of control, health, safety, finances, and estate preservation.

    (Purchase of this product will include a Video recording, an Audio recording, and a PDF copy of the presentation.)

    Presented by Scott Stewart, Esq. and Steve Mancini, Esq.

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  • The Gathering 2018 – The Complete Package


    Our 14th annual Gathering is two days of shared insights, education, and collegiality. The Gathering is an annual event for all advisors in Estate, Business, and Wealth Strategies Planning. As we gather and work together we can, through collegiality and collaboration, provide the leadership our clients are seeking to offer clarity and direction for their planning needs.

    The presenters are each experts in their field who enjoy sharing and who give of themselves and their time. Their unique skills, wisdom, and judgement are truly invaluable. With our Thought Leader Community as your resource, you don’t have to master the answer to every client quandary. Instead you become courageously armed with the right questions and resources. This We-driven mindset is transformational for you, your practice, and your clients.

    (Purchase of this product will include Video recordings, Audio recordings, and PDF copies of the Presentations.)

    Click here to see the Gathering Agenda with the list of the presentations and presenters.

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  • The Gathering 2018 – Medi-Cal and Medicare: Who, When, How – and What’s Next?


    Scott and Diane will lead a frank and open discussion designed to help you understand the differences and advantages associated with both government benefit programs (as well as the potential effects on both due to government deficits). Confronting the costs of either acute or long-term care or both is often the largest expense a couple will face. Families often believe that it is too late or early to plan – and they must bare these costs on their own. Though this may have been true 10 or 20 years ago, that is not the law now. We know that families often feel overwhelmed and are relieved to find a path to working through it all. Understand how to help your clients plan through case study examples.

    (Purchase of this product will include a Video recording, an Audio recording, and a PDF copy of the Presentation.)

    Presented by Diane Gaswirth and Scott Stewart, Esq.

    Click here to see the Gathering Agenda with the list of the presentations and presenters.

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  • Elder Care Planning

    Getting Your Legal Affairs in Order in a Changed World – Pitfalls and Options


    Effective planning is as much or more about preserving family relationships as it is about preserving family assets.  Most estate plans will fail to preserve the family relationships and will also fail to take advantage of the changes in the law.  Join us to review: protections and control for the surviving spouse; today’s disability planning pitfalls and options; as well as your trustee’s rights, responsibilities, and liabilities.  Estate planning and settlement isn’t about a rote distribution of assets. It’s about caring for and supporting the relationships embedded in the plan.

    (Purchase of this product will include a Video recording, an Audio recording, and a PDF copy of the presentation.)

    Presented by Scott Stewart, Esq. and Brooke Jensen, Esq.

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  • Elder Care Planning

    3 Lies and 8 Mistakes of Medi-Cal and Elder Law Planning


    Confronting the costs of long-term care is often the largest expense a couple will face. Families often believe that it is too late or early to plan – and they must bare these costs on their own. Though this may have been true 10 or 20 years ago, that is not the law now. We know that families often feel overwhelmed and are relieved to find a path to working through it all. Learn how to overcome these 3 lies and 8 mistakes as well as understanding your current options.

    (Purchase of this product will include a Video recording, an Audio recording, and a PDF copy of the presentation.)

    Presented by Martha Rańōn, Southern Caregiver Resource Center and Scott Stewart, Esq.

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  • Elder Care Planning

    VA Aid and Attendance – Who, What, When, and How


    It’s easy to feel lost among all the government issued programs and benefits out there. In this presentation, Scott will help you navigate the programs designed to help veterans, and their spouses, pay for care. We’ll take an even closer look into the VA’s Aid & Attendance program – which provides tax-free income and free medications to qualifying veterans. You’ll learn all the aspects of this program, including who qualifies and what it takes to qualify. This presentation is not only for veterans, but also for anyone who works with and/or helps a veteran, or simply wants to learn more..

    (Purchase of this product will include a Video recording, an Audio recording, and a PDF copy of the presentation.)

    Presented by Scott Stewart, Esq.

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  • Elder Care Planning

    Crisis Planning – What to do when the Worst Case Scenario Happens


    Surprisingly, there are still options available to help even in the midst of a healthcare crisis. Join Scott and Alexis as they review and compare the timing and applicability of Medicare, Medi-cal, VA Aid and Attendance, Long-term Care and/or Life Insurance – as well as the pros and cons of asset liquidation. Consider the future ramifications of current decisions regarding incapacity, dealing with beneficiaries, and disputes among siblings.

    (Purchase of this product will include a Video recording, an Audio recording, and a PDF copy of the presentation.)

    Presented by Scott Stewart., Esq. and Alexis Bastedo, Esq.





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  • Elder Care Planning

    Mental Health 101 – Special Needs Protection


    Anita and Scott will demonstrate how caregivers and legal/financial professionals can work together to provide the best and most comprehensive resources for your clients with special needs. Often the parents/caregivers/spouses worry about how their loved one will survive financially if something happens to them – because although their medical condition is chronic, it is not fatal. Learn what benefits are available and how a special needs trust can help protect and provide for their most vulnerable family members throughout their life without disturbing access to benefit programs. Also gain an understanding of the myriad of challenges, family impact, and options related to mental illness that will help you better connect with your clients and their families.

    (Purchase of this product will include a Video recording, an Audio recording, and a PDF copy of the presentation.)

    Presented by Anita Fisher, NAMI SD and Scott Stewart, Esq.

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  • Elder Care Planning

    The Five Essential Documents


    Scott and Stephanie will share what each of the five essential documents in estate planning is designed to do and why they are important for you and your clients.  Help your clients memorialize their wishes in case of death or incapacity. This is an indispensable presentation on how to gets your ducks in a row.

    (Purchase of this product will include an Video recording and a PDF copy of the presentation.)

    Presented by Scott Stewart, Esq. and Stephanie Downer, Esq.

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  • Elder Care Planning

    When Does Incapacity Limit Your Clients’ Rights


    Join us for an informative discussion on how to protect your clients’ rights once they receive a diagnose of dementia. Dr. Diane and Scott will teach you when incapacity can limit your clients’ rights. You will have a better grasp on understanding the legal, ethical and treatment issues of dementia care.
    (Purchase of this product will include an Video recording and a PDF copy of the presentation.)
    Presented by Dr. Diane Darby Beach and Scott Stewart



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  • Elder Care Planning

    The Case for Baby Boomer Clients in Your Practice


    As society ages the need for services by this demographic are going to increase.  This can include planning for long-term care, Medicaid, Medi-Cal, and other government benefits – which can drastically enhance your revenue and practice stability, leading to a dramatic increase in the amount of probates, trust administration, settlement and the associated financial, tax, and legal planning for clients older (and younger!) than 55.  Join Scott and Brooke as they share techniques, tools, and their technical expertise to enhance your knowledge and practice.

    (Purchase of this product will include an Video recording and a PDF copy of the presentation.)

    Presented by Scott Stewart and Brooke Jensen

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  • The Gathering 2017 – The Complete Package


    The format of the two-day Gathering is designed to engage all participants in a conversation where audience interaction is as critical as what is communicated from the front of the room. The presenters are each experts in their field who enjoy sharing and who give of themselves and their time. Their unique skills, wisdom, and judgment are truly invaluable when helping clients fulfill their enlightened dreams.

    (Purchase of this product will include a Video recording, an Audio recording, and a PDF copy of the Presentation.)

    Click here to see the Gathering Agenda with the list of the presentations and presenters.

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  • Elder Care Planning

    The Case for Baby Boomer Clients in Your Practice


    As society ages the need for services by this demographic are going to increase. This can include planning for long-term care, Medicaid, Medi-Cal, and other government benefits, leading to a dramatic increase in the amount of probates, trust administration, settlement and the associated financial, tax, and legal planning for clients older (and younger!) than 55. Join Scott and Brooke as they share techniques, tools, and their technical expertise to enhance your knowledge and practice.

    (Purchase of this product will include a Video recording, an Audio recording, and a PDF copy of the presentation.)

    Presented by Scott Stewart, Esq. and Brooke Jensen, Esq.




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  • Estate Planning

    Brain Injury and Special Needs Trusts


    Queen and Scott will demonstrate how caregivers and legal/financial professionals can work together to provide the best and most comprehensive resources for your clients with special needs. Gain an understanding of several brain exercises, compensatory tools, resources, strategies, and approaches to strengthening client-vendor relationships that will help you connect better with clients and families dealing with TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury). Also learn how a special needs trust can help protect and provide for their most vulnerable family members throughout their life without disturbing access to benefit programs.
    (Purchase of this product will include an Video & Audio recording and a PDF copy of the presentation.)

    Presented by: Queen Mateo and Scott Stewart

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  • Elder Care Planning

    The Biggest Boogie Man for Baby Boomers and Beyond


    When planning for retirement, the primary focus for most of our clients is to determine how much income they will need to maintain their style of living.  And if they are really on top of it, they may have created a trust to maintain control of their assets at incapacity or after death.  Too often, however, our clients do not discuss or plan for the probable fact that at least one spouse is going to need long-term care.  How will they pay for it and not leave the well-spouse impoverished?  Join Rich and Scott as they do a deep dive into several payment options you might not have realized were options at all!
    (Purchase of this product will include an Video & Audio recording and a PDF copy of the presentation.)
    Presented by Rich Kupetsky, CLTC, SVP, Capitas Long Term Care and Scott Stewart, Esq.

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  • Elder Care Planning

    The Top 5 Mistakes to Avoid When Helping Your Clients with Senior Care Planning


    Years ago, helping clients navigate senior care wasn’t so complicated.  Today, there are well over 1000 facilities and in-home care providers in San Diego alone – making the choices overwhelming.  Family caregivers often lack information or resources necessary to coordinate care, thus looking to healthcare providers and estate planning professionals for guidance. Not all care – or budgets – are created equal. Jatana and Scott will break it down in a way that will allow you to provide accurate information and relevant resources for each of your family caregiver clientele.
    (Purchase of this product will include an Video & Audio recording and a PDF copy of the presentation.)
    Presented by Jatana Williams-Thompson, Owner, Beyond the Sky Solutions, LLC and Scott Stewart, Esq.

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  • Elder Care Planning

    Planning for the 4th Quarter of Your Client’s Life


    Expert in Elder Law? Estate planning is not what it used to be. As an industry we planned very well for our clients in the moments before they die and after their death – but we woefully under planned for their disability, especially a long-term disability. Valerie and Scott will go over not only the opportunities to help our past clients correct their plans, but also how to use this “4th  Quarter” planning of life concept to attract and deeply help those individuals and couples over 60 years old – and even those younger families. This may be your next evolution as a practitioner.

    (Purchase of this product will include a Video recording, an Audio recording, and a PDF copy of the presentation.)

    Presented by Valerie Peterson, JD and Scott Stewart, Esq.

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  • Elder Care Planning

    We Need to Talk – Tips for Starting the Critical Conversation and Bonding with the Next Generation


    Clients rarely ask for help in their aging process. Veterans in the industry, Amy and Scott, will provide you with their personal experience and insights to identify warning signs to look for, how to start the conversation, and the important questions to ask now and in the future. Ensure your relationship as the key advisor for the next generation by proactively planning for and guiding them through a successful aging process. Gain valuable language and tools to help your clients and their family maintain maximum control over the way they choose to age as well as secure a more prosperous financial future.

    (Purchase of this product will include an Video & Audio recording and a PDF copy of the presentation.)

    Presented by Amy Burfitt with LivHome and Scott Stewart, Esq.

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  • Elder Care Planning

    Medicare versus Medi-Cal


    Do you know the difference between Medicare and Medi-Cal? If you answered no, you’re not alone. Kathe and Scott will lead a frank and open discussion designed to clarify all the aspects of these government programs. In this presentation, you’ll learn the difference between acute vs custodial care and who pays for what. You’ll learn how the health system works and how to take advantage of benefits that are already available to you and your family. This presentation is for anyone concerned about how to pay for care and what can be done now to minimize future costs.
    (Purchase of this product will include an Audio recording of the presentation.)
    Presented by Kathe Kline, ChFC and Scott Stewart, Esq.

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