Showing 1–24 of 42 results
Are your clients in a Medicare plan that provides the appropriate coverage at the lowest cost? Whether it is Original Medicare, Medicare Advantage, or a Medicare Supplement, finding the right plan now will help mitigate a future health care financial crisis. Join Jim and Monica to discuss:
(Purchase of this product will include a Video recording, an Audio recording, and a PDF copy of the presentation.)
Presented by James Fogelstrom and Monica Szakos Cramer
The Holidays can be a stressful time of year for all of us, but it can be particularly stressful for those that are caring for a loved one with dementia or other disabilities. Join Martha as she shares ways your caregiver clients can prepare for the holidays as well as learn strategies to reduce stress related to holidays or special occasions, and to help make the holidays enjoyable for everyone.
(Purchase of this product will include a Video recording, an Audio recording, and a PDF copy of the presentation.)
Presented by Martha Ranon, Director of Government & Community Affairs, Southern Caregiver Resource Center
The Medicare-eligible population is expanding exponentially as baby boomers age into the program at a rate of 11,000 every day. Some will need acute care (short-term), others will need long-term care, and many will need both. Diane will share the A, B, C’s and D’s of Medicare, eligibility criteria, timelines associated with enrolling to avoid financial penalties and the differences between Medicare Supplement and Medicare Advantage plans. Leave prepared for the upcoming Open Enrollment Period and the changes coming in 2019. Alexis will review options on how to pay for care not covered by Medicare, and more importantly, how you can help your clients protect their estate, themselves, their loved ones, and their family relationships.
(Purchase of this product will include a Video recording, an Audio recording, and a PDF copy of the presentation.)
Presented by Diane Gaswirth and Alexis Bastedo, Esq.
Estate planning used to just be about the avoidance of probate and estate taxes. Now, though these are important topics, estate planning and trusts need to address the inevitable need for long-term care and possible mental disability/dementia. Additionally, personal wealth can be wiped out upon the disability of either of the spouses if the trust and other assets are not properly planned for. Join Scott and Alexis as they review your options on how to pay for care, and more importantly, how to protect your estate, yourself, your loved ones, and your family relationships.
(Purchase of this product will include a Video recording, an Audio recording, and a PDF copy of the presentation.)
Presented by Scott Stewart, Esq. and Alexis Bastedo, Esq.
Effective planning is as much or more about preserving family relationships as it is about preserving family assets. Most estate plans will fail to preserve the family relationships and will also fail to take advantage of the changes in the law. Join us to review: protections and control for the surviving spouse; today’s disability planning pitfalls and options; as well as your trustee’s rights, responsibilities, and liabilities. Estate planning and settlement isn’t about a rote distribution of assets. It’s about caring for and supporting the relationships embedded in the plan.
(Purchase of this product will include a Video recording, an Audio recording, and a PDF copy of the presentation.)
Presented by Scott Stewart, Esq. and Brooke Jensen, Esq.
Real Estate investing has been a fundamental driver of wealth building in America. The powerful attributes rely on multiple tax advantaged provisions in the tax code. Come gain important knowledge in 1031 exchange services and strategies from two of the most experienced professionals in the field. This knowledge can drive opportunities for your clients who own appreciated Real Estate and are looking for diversification and fresh estate planning ideas. Realtors, CPAs and estate planning attorneys are encouraged to attend.
(Purchase of this product will include a Video recording, an Audio recording, a PDF copy of the presentation, and two handouts referenced in the presentation.)
Presented by William Exeter, President and CEO, and Charles Jensen, SVP: Moderated by Kevin Hughes, CFP
Learn about the LTC options available and the costs associated. Join long-time San Diego experts, Amy and Amy to find answers to help your clients with questions such as: What does Medicare pay for?; What are the different housing options here in San Diego?; What are the different levels of care and how do I choose? How much does it cost?
(Purchase of this product will include a Video recording, an Audio recording, and a PDF copy of the presentation.)
Presented by Amy Abrams, Alzheimer’s San Diego and Amy Burfitt, Livhome
It’s easy to feel lost among all the government issued programs and benefits out there. In this presentation, Alexis will help you navigate the programs designed to help veterans, and their spouses, pay for care. We’ll take an even closer look into the VA’s Aid & Attendance program – which provides tax-free income and free medications to qualifying veterans. You’ll learn all the aspects of this program, including who qualifies and what it takes to qualify. This presentation is not only for veterans, but also for anyone who works with and/or helps a veteran, or simply wants to learn more..
(Purchase of this product will include a Video recording, an Audio recording, and a PDF copy of the presentation.)
Presented by Alexis Bastedo, Esq.
Wills, trusts, and other estate planning documents have been traditionally drafted to solve for the moments before death and the years after death. These documents address the proverbial end as if it’s a light switch. Learn how your planning and documents can address the full spectrum of planning – everything that may happen between now and then in the areas of control, health, safety, finances, and estate preservation.
(Purchase of this product will include a Video recording, an Audio recording, and a PDF copy of the presentation.)
Presented by Scott Stewart, Esq. and Steve Mancini, Esq.
Seasons Hospice will provide a presentation on the many services available in end of life care, including Music Therapy. These services are usually available much earlier than most patients and families realize. The common misconception is that hospice comes in during the last weeks or days, when in fact the support is usually available much sooner and provides 24/7 response and interdisciplinary support. Music Therapy is a clinical discipline used in hospice that in addition to lovely music, provides interventions for pain management, respiratory distress, emotional and spiritual support.
(Purchase of this product will include a Video recording, an Audio recording, and a PDF copy of the presentation.)
Presented by Michelle Tiernan, Community Educator and Aida Sanchez, Music Therapist
No one can predict how long their retirement might last, or what financial hiccups they may encounter along the way, but the more a retirement plan addresses common risks such as the need for long-term care, the better the chances are that a retirement plan will be successful.
(Purchase of this product will include a Video recording, an Audio recording, and a PDF copy of the presentation.)
Presented by Trey Fairman, JD, LL.M. and Cindy Eisenhower
Our 14th annual Gathering is two days of shared insights, education, and collegiality. The Gathering is an annual event for all advisors in Estate, Business, and Wealth Strategies Planning. As we gather and work together we can, through collegiality and collaboration, provide the leadership our clients are seeking to offer clarity and direction for their planning needs.
The presenters are each experts in their field who enjoy sharing and who give of themselves and their time. Their unique skills, wisdom, and judgement are truly invaluable. With our Thought Leader Community as your resource, you don’t have to master the answer to every client quandary. Instead you become courageously armed with the right questions and resources. This We-driven mindset is transformational for you, your practice, and your clients.
(Purchase of this product will include Video recordings, Audio recordings, and PDF copies of the Presentations.)
Click here to see the Gathering Agenda with the list of the presentations and presenters.
Scott and Diane will lead a frank and open discussion designed to help you understand the differences and advantages associated with both government benefit programs (as well as the potential effects on both due to government deficits). Confronting the costs of either acute or long-term care or both is often the largest expense a couple will face. Families often believe that it is too late or early to plan – and they must bare these costs on their own. Though this may have been true 10 or 20 years ago, that is not the law now. We know that families often feel overwhelmed and are relieved to find a path to working through it all. Understand how to help your clients plan through case study examples.
(Purchase of this product will include a Video recording, an Audio recording, and a PDF copy of the Presentation.)
Presented by Diane Gaswirth and Scott Stewart, Esq.
Click here to see the Gathering Agenda with the list of the presentations and presenters.
This age-old problem has become an epidemic. Learn how to spot the signs and what to do from that point on. Also, learn how to avoid the problem all together by including quality professionals from the beginning. Avoid personal liability to the caregiver, financial advisors, and other advisors to the family.
(Purchase of this product will include a Video recording, an Audio recording, and a PDF copy of the Presentation.)
Presented by Paul Greenwood, Deputy District Attorney and Steve Barlam, Chief Professional Officer
Click here to see the Gathering Agenda with the list of the presentations and presenters.
Keith and Mike will share their years of experience and insight for building company value and the importance of transaction readiness. Learn ways to help your clients improve their business process accounting systems; retain and reward key personnel; analyze after tax cash flow; structure the transaction; find the right buyer; and understand their tax structuring options upon sale.
(Purchase of this product will include a Video recording, an Audio recording, and a PDF copy of the Presentation.)
Ppresented by Keith Troutman, CPA, Michael Shafer, CPA, and Joshua Siegel, CPA, JD, LL.M.
Click here to see the Gathering Agenda with the list of the presentations and presenters.
Ok, its back to the future time. Considering the large number of family owned businesses, new tax laws, and possible transitions – practitioners need to understand the uses, benefits, liabilities, and dangers of life insurance, long-term care, and retirement distribution planning. Join experts Trey and Cindy as they de-mystify and explain these potential complications.
(Purchase of this product will include a Video recording, an Audio recording, and a PDF copy of the Presentation.)
Presented by Trey Fairman, JD, LL.M. and Cindy Eisenhower
Click here to see the Gathering Agenda with the list of the presentations and presenters.
Effective planning is as much or more about preserving family relationships as it is about preserving family assets. Most estate plans will fail to preserve the family relationships and will also fail to take advantage of the changes in the law. Join us to review: protections and control for the surviving spouse; today’s disability planning pitfalls and options; as well as your trustee’s rights, responsibilities, and liabilities. Estate planning and settlement isn’t about a rote distribution of assets. It’s about caring for and supporting the relationships embedded in the plan.
(Purchase of this product will include a Video recording, an Audio recording, and a PDF copy of the presentation.)
Presented by Scott Stewart, Esq. and Brooke Jensen, Esq.
One of the most common reasons business transitions derail is what we call Expectation Gaps. These are blind spots and pot holes that, once revealed, prevent a business owner from confidently executing their plan. Learn how to create team alignment and identify/prioritize Enhancement Initiatives in The Eight Critical Areas of: risk mitigation, finance, operations, sales and marketing, human resources, and crisis management. Discover a systematic process to address targeted improvements that directly increase value, improve workplace dynamics and drive cash flow.
(Purchase of this product will include a Video recording, an Audio recording, and a PDF copy of the presentation.)
Presented by Melisa Silverman, JD, CEPA, CEVAQ, SBA, CMEA and Jeffrey Kates
Confronting the costs of long-term care is often the largest expense a couple will face. Families often believe that it is too late or early to plan – and they must bare these costs on their own. Though this may have been true 10 or 20 years ago, that is not the law now. We know that families often feel overwhelmed and are relieved to find a path to working through it all. Learn how to overcome these 3 lies and 8 mistakes as well as understanding your current options.
(Purchase of this product will include a Video recording, an Audio recording, and a PDF copy of the presentation.)
Presented by Martha Rańōn, Southern Caregiver Resource Center and Scott Stewart, Esq.
It’s easy to feel lost among all the government issued programs and benefits out there. In this presentation, Scott will help you navigate the programs designed to help veterans, and their spouses, pay for care. We’ll take an even closer look into the VA’s Aid & Attendance program – which provides tax-free income and free medications to qualifying veterans. You’ll learn all the aspects of this program, including who qualifies and what it takes to qualify. This presentation is not only for veterans, but also for anyone who works with and/or helps a veteran, or simply wants to learn more..
(Purchase of this product will include a Video recording, an Audio recording, and a PDF copy of the presentation.)
Presented by Scott Stewart, Esq.
When a family member is diagnosed with Dementia, the choices for providing care can be overwhelming if they are still living at home – or when living at home is no longer an option. Join Lisa and Scott as they survey the various types and levels of care, what they include, when each are appropriate, and how to find/obtain them. Learn how you can be a resource for your clients while navigating the difficult decisions about Adult Day Care Centers, In-home Care, Residential Care, Respite Care, and Hospice Care.
(Purchase of this product will include a Video recording, an Audio recording, and a PDF copy of the presentation.)
Presented by Lisa Tyburski and Scott Tarde, Glenner Center
Seasons Hospice will provide a presentation on the many services available in end of life care, including Music Therapy. These services are usually available much earlier than most patients and families realize. The common misconception is that hospice comes in during the last weeks or days, when in fact the support is usually available much sooner and provides 24/7 response and interdisciplinary support. Music Therapy is a clinical discipline used in hospice that in addition to lovely music, provides interventions for pain management, respiratory distress, emotional and spiritual support.
(Purchase of this product will include a Video recording, an Audio recording, and a PDF copy of the presentation.)
Presented by Michelle Tiernan, Community Educator and Christine Gallagher, Music Therapist
Surprisingly, there are still options available to help even in the midst of a healthcare crisis. Join Scott and Alexis as they review and compare the timing and applicability of Medicare, Medi-cal, VA Aid and Attendance, Long-term Care and/or Life Insurance – as well as the pros and cons of asset liquidation. Consider the future ramifications of current decisions regarding incapacity, dealing with beneficiaries, and disputes among siblings.
(Purchase of this product will include a Video recording, an Audio recording, and a PDF copy of the presentation.)
Presented by Scott Stewart., Esq. and Alexis Bastedo, Esq.
We are living at a time when extraordinary estate and wealth strategies planning advisors are needed like never before. As a result, the public is searching for answers on how to preserve and protect what they have; and for answers on how to thrive into the future. This course is a dialogue on professional collaboration and the type of practice your referral sources and clients experience – your practice as seen through the eyes of others. It introduces you to techniques which you and your team may use to gain the skills and quiet confidence to position your practice in the forefront of your community and how you can become a “referable” resource to others. Your practice is like no other and should be unique to you.
(Purchase of this product will include a Video recording, an Audio recording, and a PDF copy of the presentation.)
Presented by Rick Topete and Ashlea Rose with Silverado