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  • The Gathering 2018 – The Complete Package


    Our 14th annual Gathering is two days of shared insights, education, and collegiality. The Gathering is an annual event for all advisors in Estate, Business, and Wealth Strategies Planning. As we gather and work together we can, through collegiality and collaboration, provide the leadership our clients are seeking to offer clarity and direction for their planning needs.

    The presenters are each experts in their field who enjoy sharing and who give of themselves and their time. Their unique skills, wisdom, and judgement are truly invaluable. With our Thought Leader Community as your resource, you don’t have to master the answer to every client quandary. Instead you become courageously armed with the right questions and resources. This We-driven mindset is transformational for you, your practice, and your clients.

    (Purchase of this product will include Video recordings, Audio recordings, and PDF copies of the Presentations.)

    Click here to see the Gathering Agenda with the list of the presentations and presenters.

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  • The Gathering 2018 – Lunch Presentation: Care To Know


    Joe will discuss why it is important as Advisor that we Care To Know… what drives our clients, what concerns our clients, and what we can do to help.  He will discuss the importance of being well connected in the community to “know the right person” to help our clients because we can not be the expert in everything.

    (Purchase of this product will include a Video recording and an Audio recording of the Presentation.)

    Presented by Joseph Strazzeri, Esq.

    Click here to see the Gathering Agenda with the list of the presentations and presenters.

    Click here to see the Gathering Agenda with the list of the presentations and presenters.

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  • Related Industry and Topics

    Depolarizing the Millennial Workplace


    What is your company doing to stay relevant, connect and drive engagement with the next generation?  Don’t be left behind.  Your company must understand the dramatic shift taking place in the workplace and the marketplace. Today, there are 2.4 billion millennials, they represent 36% of the workforce, control $660 billion in spending and will be 75% of your employees and customers by 2025. With valuable insights, extensive experience, and a great sense of humor, Dan delivers aha moments as he shares:

    • The key trends that define the millennial generation
    • 6 steps to bridge the generational gap between youth and experience
    • How to deliver value to connect with your customers and employees
    • How to stay relevant in today’s crazy, fast-changing world

    (Purchase of this product will include an Audio recording and Video copy of the presentation.)

    Presented by Dan Negroni, Founder and CEO of Launchbox

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  • Collaboration

    How to Build an Effective Multi-Disciplinary Team


    In our complex world of wealth, business, and tax planning, no one profession has all the answers. Successfully attracting and helping affluent families in today’s market requires a multi-disciplinary approach. However, developing a successful team is more challenging than it sounds. This presentation will provide an overview of half or full day programs where you will learn the 4 steps to creating an integrated collaborative team: 3 key concepts common to all successful teams, choosing a process, introducing each other, and ways to market together.

    (Purchase of this product will include an Video & Audio recording and a PDF copy of the presentation.)
    Presented by Shelley Lightfoot, Executive Director and Barry Waxler, The Founders Group


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  • Collaboration

    The Art of Professional Collaboration


    Affluent clients require increasingly sophisticated strategies and tools to adequately address their estate, financial and philanthropic objectives. It is becoming more difficult as well as risky for any individual firm or practitioner to attempt to address all of these needs. As a result, it is necessary for professionals to work collaboratively. If you are interested in working collaboratively, this workshop will introduce and define the creation, structure, operation, challenges and rewards of professional collaboration.

    (Purchase of this product will include an Audio recording and a PDF copy of the presentation.)

    Presented by John Jenkins, AEP®, EA, CFP®



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  • Collaboration

    Traditional Estate & Business Planning


    By combining your client’s legal, financial, tax, philanthropic, and business matters into a unified plan, you can:

    – Increase your client’s control over his or her affairs;
    – Assure the continuance of your client’s lifestyle and the protection of your client’s assets;
    – Enable your client to pass his or her values and work ethic to his or her heirs;
    – Substantially reduce excise, gift, estate, income, and generation-skipping taxes;
    – Manage the value of your client’s business interests; and
    – Keep your client’s affairs free from publicity and the costs and delay of probate.

    (Purchase of this product will include an Audio recording and a PDF copy of the presentation.)

    Presented by Joe Strazzeri, Esq. and Alejandro Matuk, Esq.

    Click play to watch a short video about ‘Traditional Estate & Business Planning’

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  • Collaboration

    The Best of Times – Worst of Times


    Large Broker Dealers and Banks want assets under management and do “Planning” for free. Financial, accounting, and law firms are struggling through being squeezed on fees, losing their clients to software and larger more visible firms, all while facing increasing liability and regulatory complexity. Join the silverbacks, Simon and Alex, as they review just why everyone is looking for new clients and higher margins and how data mining software and collaboration are the keys to unlock opportunities in 2013. Why struggle when the answer is in front of us? The combination of data mining software; practical marketing implementation; as well as who to call and collaborate with are the keys – revisit, attract, and engage your favorite clients this year.

    (Purchase of this product will include an Audio recording and a PDF copy of the presentation.)

    Presented by Simon Singer, CFP®, RFC® and Alejandro Matuk, Esq.

    Click play to view a short video about ‘The Best of Time – Worst of Times’

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  • Collaboration

    Changing the Dialogue


    Collaboration – often talked about, seldom done well, and mostly boring. Join Joe and Steve in an interactive dialogue as they review how to change the client/advisor conversation; reinforce yourself as a consultant instead of just another sales person; and bring various parties together focusing on clients’ priorities. Increase the probability of a client engagement through financial/legal strategies as well as choosing from client advising, engagement, or partnering practice models.

    (Purchase of this product will include a PDF copy of the presentation.)

    Presented by Joe Strazzeri, Esq. and Stephen Mancini, Esq.

    Click play to watch a short video about ‘Changing the Dialogue’

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  • Collaboration



    Whether your need or desire is wealth planning education, collaborative relationship building opportunities, or partnering to help refine your practice, SCI has a program that can help. Join Shelley to learn more about Successful Family and Business Owner Events, Wealth Advisor Education Programs, Wealth Advisor Partnering Programs, and our Speakers Bureau.

    (Purchase of this product will include an Audio recording and a PDF copy of the presentation.)

    Presented by Shelley Lightfoot

    Click play to watch a short video about ‘SCI’

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