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The Gathering 2019 – Estate Planning
Thursday, February 21, 2019
Location: Marriott Del Mar
11966 El Camino Real
San Diego, CA 92121
A loved one has just passed away and now the successor trustee must serve as trustee of the living trust. Are they prepared to handle the myriad of questions regarding their rights and responsibilities, taxes, and investments in the different situations? Join Steve and Brooke for an overview of the legal and procedural requirements of trust administration to assist trustees and their advisors to properly discharge their duties and avoid personal liability while preserving the important family relationships. The discussion is also the perfect opportunity to review the terms of your trust for this inevitability.
(Purchase of this product will include a Video recording, an Audio recording, and a PDF copy of the presentation.)
Presented by Steve Mancini, Esq.
The Medicare-eligible population is expanding exponentially as baby boomers age into the program at a rate of 11,000 every day. Some will need acute care (short-term), others will need long-term care, and many will need both. Diane will share the A, B, C’s and D’s of Medicare, eligibility criteria, timelines associated with enrolling to avoid financial penalties and the differences between Medicare Supplement and Medicare Advantage plans. Leave prepared for the upcoming Open Enrollment Period and the changes coming in 2019. Alexis will review options on how to pay for care not covered by Medicare, and more importantly, how you can help your clients protect their estate, themselves, their loved ones, and their family relationships.
(Purchase of this product will include a Video recording, an Audio recording, and a PDF copy of the presentation.)
Presented by Diane Gaswirth and Alexis Bastedo, Esq.
Estate planning used to just be about the avoidance of probate and estate taxes. Now, though these are important topics, estate planning and trusts need to address the inevitable need for long-term care and possible mental disability/dementia. Additionally, personal wealth can be wiped out upon the disability of either of the spouses if the trust and other assets are not properly planned for. Join Scott and Alexis as they review your options on how to pay for care, and more importantly, how to protect your estate, yourself, your loved ones, and your family relationships.
(Purchase of this product will include a Video recording, an Audio recording, and a PDF copy of the presentation.)
Presented by Scott Stewart, Esq. and Alexis Bastedo, Esq.
What a year it’s been since we were last together at the 2017 Laureate Gathering! Our 14th annual Current Developments Session will dig into to the planning opportunities and pitfalls created by the newly minted Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. We’ll focus on the most practical and relevant topics of conversation and planning opportunities for financial advisors, attorneys, CPAs, philanthropic advisors, trust officers and insurance professions to share with clients and prospective clients. Finally, we’ll examine how true collaboration among a team of advisors is even more important in the 2018 maelstrom to help our clients discover and implement a critical path to their Enlightened Dreams ™
(Purchase of this product will include a Video recording, an Audio recording, and a PDF copy of the Presentation.)
Presented by David K. Cahoone, Esq.
Click here to see the Gathering Agenda with the list of the presentations and presenters.
Spend a couple of hours with Lew Dymond discussing reflections, considerations, musings, and cogitations on Marital Deduction Planning in light of portability and high applicable exclusion amount.
(Purchase of this product will include a Video recording, an Audio recording, and a PDF copy of the Presentation.)
Presented by Lew Dymond, Esq.
Click here to see the Gathering Agenda with the list of the presentations and presenters.
The U.S. is currently the “Switzerland” of years past, and more and more wealthy non-U.S. persons are investing in moving to the U.S. However, absent planning, these individuals will be unnecessarily subject to significant U.S. income and transfer tax. Jonathan will discuss the increasing importance of the rules surrounding typical international client scenarios, planning options, and traps for the unwary.
(Purchase of this product will include a Video recording, an Audio recording, and a PDF copy of the presentation.)
Presented by Jonathan A. Mintz, Esq.
This workshop will explore the 3 doors to estate planning: family; charity; and the IRS. It will point out that client estates normally go through only two of the three doors – the ones they choose either consciously (through planning) or unconsciously (without planning). We will further demonstrate the planning strategies available to maximize the benefits to families and minimize, if not completely zero out the benefit to the IRS.
Join Kristin as she shares insights to help you and your clients understand how they will be affected by the health care reform. Learn the 41 taxes inside health care; what the employer shared responsibilities are; timelines and deadlines; what you need to know about compliance; and business strategy ideas that will help your business owner clients plan for the future.
(Purchase of this product will include an Audio recording and a PDF copy of the presentation.)
Presented by Kristin Kahle, MBA